Our beautiful activity cube is a perfect learning companion for your child whenever you’re at home or on the go. It will keep your baby busy playing with the textured fabrics and also for use as a teether. All 6 sides have interesting features designed for your child to learn through play. From peek a boo Ollie the Owl to Laura the happy Snail, this cube has everything. Also has a silicone teether and ring with counting beads, learning mirror, teething tabs, rattle beads and applique detail to add extra fun to playtime.

Why Children Love this Toy:

  • Sounds: Children will delight in creating sounds.
  • Color: The variation of color makes them highly engaging for inquisitive babies.
  • Material: A high quality, safe design means babies can use different parts of the toy as teethers.

Educational Benefits:

  • The beautiful design helps toddlers learn to discriminate different patterns through tactile play.
  • The toy helps to connect motor skills with auditory learning.
  • Visual learning is provoked through color perception.

Other features:

  • Soft materials for use as a teether toy and pacifier.
  • Non-Toxic (Formaldehyde Free, BPA Free)
  • Comes in a beautiful box made entirely in recycled and natural materials.

If you want to find out more, Contact Us today!

best stem authenticated early baby childhood toy

€ 34,99

